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Communication: what type of website for my business?

Have you come to the point of creating your company website and are wondering what to look for when the quotes roll in? Worried you won’t understand all the technical descriptions? Do not cut any corners! If you want your website to be effective, there are matters to work through ahead of time.

Start at the beginning: how far along are you?

  1. Defining my business objectives
  2. Choosing the type of website to achieve those objectives
  3. Drawing up specifications as precisely as possible
  4. Choosing a service provider
  5. Criterion to take into account in website creation quotes

So, are you familiar with the various categories that exist? Do you know which one is best suited to your goals?

Follow your guide!

What are my business objectives?

Your website should offer certain specific functions, depending on the inherent needs of your business model, and can come in a number of shapes and forms.

Before you set out to find the right service provider or start learning to build your website yourself, be sure to take time to understand just what it is you really need. It might seem overrated, but all too often people have preconceptions in mind that don’t necessarily fit their business type. And remember, whatever option you do choose in the end, it will go through adjustments along the way in response to how your activity grows.

Here are some of the main aims (2):

  • Being visible to attract attention
  • Sparking interest to convert
  • Convincing to sell

What type of website will help me achieve my objectives?

Corporate website

A corporate website presents your professional activity and provides your contact information. It is made up of a set of pages and items including:

  • A homepage that presents your activity
  • Page(s) dedicated to your products or services
  • An “about us” page that lays out your values, your company story, your team, etc.
  • A “contact” page
  • Call-to-action buttons: forms, newsletters, social networks…
  • Sometime some more interactive items like a blog or a “news” section
  • And specific landing pages

These sites are primarily for information purposes and are well suited to freelancers, companies, associations and agencies who aren’t seeking very extensive interactions with website visitors. If you choose a corporate website, it’s to have a basic online presence and increase your contact requests. That’s why this option requires targeted referencing.

Microsite or “Landing page”

Microsites are like the little brother of corporate websites. They provide information about a specific topic, product or service, like an event or a contest, and are limited to a very small number of pages, or even a single page known as a “landing page.” Visitor interactions can be possible with a microsite.

This option is often used by companies for their marketing campaigns, which requires knowledge of best practices to choose and integrate an appropriate landing page. But a single page can also be fitting for young businesses! If you think a microsite is for you, find out about best practices in UX design to make the user experience as streamlined as possible, pinpoint relevant calls-to-action and place them in the right spots.

E-commerce website or “Online shop”

The purpose of an e-commerce site is to sell products or services online. These sites include a catalog, a basket system and an order and payment process. Advanced technical specifications and high-level security are required to protect customers’ personal and banking data.

Offering a range of products and services that is attractive and easy-to-find is essential, as is standing out from the competition. This means quality benchmarking upstream, and clearly defining your added value.


When it comes to a blog, sharing is the objective. Added value here resides in editorial content that aims to inform and/or entertain. Whether you’re sharing knowledge, experiences, a passion, or shining a light on your expertise… a good content strategy is the one key to doing so both attractively and long-lastingly.

Blogs need to be fed regularly and with quality content. Make sure you have the resources to keep it up-to-date over time.

Of course, this option is well suited to influencers and journalists, but it can also be a part of a broader company branding strategy.


A portfolio site is a great match for designers and artists since they can put their creations on display. Aesthetics are paramount and visuals elements are ubiquitous.

What can be more complex here is hosting… but the programming itself doesn’t take any especially advanced technical know-how.

Put your knowledge to the test!

Now that you know all there is to know, which categories would you say our ASBL websites fall into?

Follow us on Facebook, you will find the anwsers there! 😉

This quick overview has given you a glimpse of the possibilities out there! But to make the right choice, it’s essential to first have a firm grasp of your needs. Knowing a bit about the different types of websites should make talks with service providers that much easier, with the end goal of achieving a result that lives up to your expectations.


To take things further...

Articles on the same subject:

(1) Communication: Getting your website made… Pitfalls to be avoided! / (2)  Choosing the right platform for your company website


(1) (website in French) / (2) (website in French) / (3) (website in French)

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