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Getting started
Getting started in the sense of starting a company is often a psychological barrier, meaning finding the right time, the right idea or having financial commitments, that stop you from starting your company. It all boils down to a single sentence: “Am I capable of jumping in or not?” It’s a psychological threshold that has financial repercussions. But what’s at stake is worth the effort and entrepreneurship brings you a lot more than financial risks.

Getting funding
We started out with private contributions from ourselves and our partners. Next, through bank loans, then private loans as well, when the banks didn’t want to loan us any more money, and through fund-raising to finance the daily cash flow. I must add that we were also supported by the Ministry of the Economy. We applied for a grant that matched the funds we raised at the end of 2018.

Setting up
Simply the Technoport, because… in terms of logistics, in terms of the geographical location of a company that does deliveries as a means of distribution, the location is great, we’re in Foetz, half way  between the City and the South, which are pretty much the two main markets we cater to, mostly the City. They had industrial halls that were available, and fairly attractive pricing. Plus we really like Diego (CEO of Technoport), so we thought let’s do it.

Maybe it’s just my opinion, but I do think a lot of startups and budding companies share the opinion that there’s a lot of improvising-as-you-go, it’s often on demand, a lot a last minute work. So we do our best to provide quality. We take outside feedback into consideration, from our stakeholders, for example: about how to improve on formalization, make things more concrete. Still, we’re guided by our instincts, or by the opportunities. Especially by the opportunities. And it works. There’s a lot of improvisation.