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In order to calculate a budget, you need to know how much kitchenettes cost at Ikea. You need to know how long it takes to assemble the kitchenettes.

Managing nurseries on a daily basis

Barbara Agostino, founder of Crèches Barbara since 2011

Keeping the goal in mind

Whenever I visited a building, for example, even if the rooms had deteriorated, it was very clear in my mind how they were going to be in the end. I had already pictured how the nursery would work. That was very clear in my mind.

Choosing a new location

The location will be… Is it a busy road? Are there already many nurseries in this area? In this geographical location? And what is the reputation of the nursery? Is there already a big group that has a good reputation? If so, I’m not going to open one. Now, if the big group doesn’t have a good reputation and if, for example my playground, my parking lots are going to be a bonus…I’ll be sure to play that card! But it’s always well thought out. I always need access for parents and a large playground. The building has to be functional.

Knowing your budgets

In order to calculate a budget, you need to know how much kitchenettes cost at Ikea. You need to know how long it takes to assemble the kitchenettes. When you can’t afford it, you roll up your sleeves!

Staying operational

When I come to the office, I always sort out the previous day’s mail, which is put on my desk, if there are any registered letters to answer from my union friends, etc., I’m the one taking care of it. And otherwise, I answer mails, I update plans, requests, I sign delivery notes, purchase orders for new structures. And then, I show up unannounced to a nursery every day to see how things are going. And then I also visit the construction sites to see the progress of the work, etc. So I’m mostly here between 8:30 and 9:00 until 3:00. And then I have Zoom meetings which is the new trend.

Managing and maintaining the link

If you like, I am constantly in touch with the managers and
this link has to be reliable. And they have to be consistent with their employees. That’s the idea, everyone bears a bit of responsibility. And there is also a meeting every Tuesday, with all the managers, where they come to share the problems in the nursery. Because sometimes one person’s problem can be completely solved by the other without me coming up with a solution. I prefer that they sort that out together, since they work on the field every day, because they will probably have a much more pragmatic solution than mine.