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Where to begin?
I’ve said lots about digitization, I’ve said lots about the internet, etc. But the internet is a tool, it’s not the philosopher’s stone. That means that it’s not because you start your business on the web that your company will necessarily succeed. At the beginning, it’s simple. You go digging up clients with your teeth.

For example
I remember having a client in the Pyrenees who didn’t have internet, but who had been on our website via a friend. It was around 2010, and I had to convince him from Luxembourg he would be receiving a top-quality building by purchasing remotely and that he could trust us. So in that context, over the phone and far away, I alleviated some of his doubts, explained that Luxembourg is part of the European Union and that he hadn’t yet had the opportunity to do business with Luxembourg, but that we speak French, that we have expertise in steel recognized around the world and that our team also has proven expertise in the building industry. So, he gave into temptation. And we responded to his needs. He congratulated us for our work and became our first ambassador.

What about physical presence?
We do have the desire to be more than a website, and to be visible in fairs, because we’re in Luxembourg, we’re a digital platform, so we need visibility too.

 Commercial prospecting
In our business model, the client or prospect comes to us. Our representatives don’t do any prospecting. We only have incoming calls and incoming leads.