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Thibaut Ciccone

The 6 common misconceptions about startups (and the reality they hide)

The term "startup," once reserved for a select few, has now become…

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Maryline Roux

The real day-to-day life of bakery entrepreneurs

In this Meet an Entrepreneur video, Mayline Roux, co-founder of “Au pain…

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Alfonso Garcia Frey

The ideation phase

In this video, Alfonso Garcia Frey explains us the ideation phase :…

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Michèle Detaille

Managing an SME

In this video around the subject of taking over a company, Michèle…

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Zev Siegl

The importance of a team

In this video about the importance of having a team, Zev Siegl…

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Pit Beck & Catherine Hoffmann

Gather the conditions to start

In this video about which conditions to gather before starting, Pit Beck…

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Mike Koedinger

Recruiting talents

In this video about recruiting talents, Mike Koedinger shares his own experience:…

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Michèle Detaille

Taking over a company

In this video around the subject of taking over a company, Michèle…

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Manon Cravatte

Entrepreneurship: solo or with others?

Starting a business appeals to you, but you don’t want to go…

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