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Your first clients
In the beginning, it’s very important to make sure that everybody you can touch from near or from far knows about your launch, the business sector you’re launching in and… What happened for me is that it didn’t take me long to fin two, three, four, five, ten projects that helped me through my first year.

Customers who aren’t aware?
Try to focus on the two or three touch-points that seem the most promising people who speak your language, who understand what it is you’re selling who see that they need it, rather than the others who say that what you’re doing is useless. Because those people won’t get you anywhere.

Working with a young contractor
Showing reactivity, flexibility and especially focusing in on your customer’s issue will help you provide a fitting solution, and that really makes all the difference. It’s the side “You took the time to understand our business.”

You really need to stay focused on the actions that will have the biggest impact for the effort required. At first, I tended to say “I really want to work on my logo” and “For the next three weeks, I won’t get out and sell” “I’ll work on my website.” “No selling yet, I need to work on my presentation” “No selling yet, I need to do this or that…” The step to get started is that you need to get out and sell right away. In the end, starting out it’s the first contact you have with the people you meet that will really leave a mark. Much more than your email signature or the color you choose for your logo.